​01 Eri Culture for the Sustainable Livelihood of Tribal People of Assam - Monimala Saikia, Shilpa Saikia and Pompi Konwar
02 Trap Fishing- A Resource-Specific Diversified Technique - S. Mariappan and T. Ravikumar
03 Soil Chemical Analysis - Titrations and Indicators - S. Arun Kumar
04 A Brief Review on Biodiversity of Pollinators - Manoj Kumar Jena, Satikanta Sahoo and Parmar Pravinbhai Raysangbhai
05 Functional Genomics: Application in Crop Improvement - Amaresh and Aswini Nunavath
06 Increasing Fish Production by Use of Recent Trends in Fisheries - Vignesh V. and Velmurugan P.
07 Thrips: A Destructive Pest - Dwarka and Anand Kumar Panday
08 Drag Net used for Harvesting Vannamei Shrimp of Tamil Nadu - V. Durai, M. Kalaiarasan and N. Neethiselvan
09 Nature in Miniature – Bonsai -Masanagari Supriya and Thunam Srikanth
10 Production Technology of Banana - Nisarga G., Kantharaju V., Nagesh Naik and Harshitha S. B.
11 Robotics in Dairy and Food Processing Sector: A Review -Shweta Solanke, Avinash Kakade and Gopal U. Shinde
12 Design of Refrigeration Van Container for Preservation of Perishable Products-Seedlings - Tanzim Khan, Gopal Shinde and Khemchand Kapgate
13 Vehicle Mounted Scissor lift (Mobile Platform) for Various Agricultural and Industrial Applications - Tanzim Khan, Gopal Shinde and Khemchand Kapgate
14 Food Processing Industry in India: Challenges and Opportunities - Hattalli A. D., Koli S. C., Jagadale S. G. and Nirmal O. A.
15 Application of Ethylene in Safed Velachi Banana as Per the Market Demand - Gaonkar Y. A., Parulekar Y.R., Haldvanekar P.C. and Patil R. S.
16 Role of Crop Insurance in Sustaining Agricultural Production in India - Palvi Sharma
17 Entrepreneurship in Agriculture - Peddi Naga Harsha Vardhan
18 RNA interference (RNAi): An Evolutionary Approach - Mukul, Sandhya and Manoj Kumar
19 Adoption of IPM in Indian Agriculture - Vinod Kumar Dubey, Sanjay Kumar Sahoo, B. Sujatha and Abhibandana Das
20 Pest Management of Yellow Stem Borer, Scirophagaincertulas (Walker) in Rice - Rakesh, Kamlesh Kumar and Vikas
21 Nanospray Drying in Food Processing - Sumit Mehta and Vidushi Mehta
22 Spirulina as a Feed Supplement in Aqua Feed - S Jeyaprakashsabari, M V Rajeshwari and T Nivetha