01 Plant to Plant Communication and Self-Defence against Insect Pest- Dharmendra Singh Lagoriya and Sangeeta Bhandari
02 Crab Meal - Waste From Seafood Processing Units: A Good Alternative Protein Source for Fish Meal in Aqua Feed - Jeyaprakashsabari S. and Aanand S.
03 Status of Biological Control of Crop Pests in India- Savariya K. N., Jethva D. M. and Wadaskar P. S.
04 Quorum Sensing in Plant Pathogenic Bacteria and Its Entanglements in Plant Disease Development- N. Olivia Devi and Bharati Lap
05 Practical management practices for incidence of White Faeces Syndrome (WFS) in cultured Pacific White leg Shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) - S. Karthick and S. Aanand
06 Egg Fruit (Pouteria campechiana): A Review - Jasmitha, B. G.
07 Application of Cold Plasma Treatment in Food Processing-Surve V. D.and Kamble A. S.
08 Atomized Hydroponic System by Using Modern Digital Tools.- Raheem Khan, Rokade H. N., Kapgate K.M., Shinde G.U. and Avinash Kakade
09 Propagation Media used in Nursery/Polyhouse- Raheem Khan, Khemchand Kapgate, Rokade H. N. and Avinash Kakade
10 Metagenomics and its Role in Plant Pathology - Bhagyashree Bhatt and B.K.Namriboi
11 Phytoanticipins: Natural Plant Defense Compounds - Bhagyashree Bhatt and B.K.Namriboi
12 Role of Biocontrol Agents in Cotton Ecosystem - Divya S. Patel and Dharmraj M. Jethva
13 Identification, Economic Importance and Their Management of White Grub - Dwarka
14 Organic Amendments Induced Host Plant Resistance against Crop Pest - Abhishek B M, Mohammad Abbas Ahmad and Sai Reddy
15 Effect of Humidity on Insect Abundance - Sushmita Thokchom
16 Organic Matter: The Heart of the Soil - Jadhav C. B., Adsure R. M. and Khaire P. B.
17 Wet Bubble- A Threat for Button Mushroom Cultivation - Gurvinder Kaur and Shweta Sharma
18 Fungal Diseases Associated with Mushroom Cultivation - Gurvinder Kaur and Shweta Sharma
19 Soil Physical and Chemical Properties in Relation to Plant Growth - S. Arunkumar
20 Health Importance and Value Chain Management of Banana Powder - Mohan Lal Jat, Jitendra Singh Shivran, Rajender Kumar and R.K. Jat
21 Drying of Flowers: The Plant Material, Drying techniques, Storage and their uses - Kadam S. K., Ahirrao P. P. and Khalagre A. B.
22 Osmotic Dehydration of Fruits and Vegetables - Khalagre A. B., Ahirrao P. P. and Kadam S. K.
23 Hayflick Limit: A Constraint in Eternal Life - Utkarsh Patel and Sayani Basu
24 Health Benefits of Makhana (Euryale ferox Salisb) - Maske S. V., John David and Shelke S. A.
25 Major Fungal Diseases of Tomato and their Management - Mallikarjun Channappa Chitti and Sukanya Gogoi
26 Indigenous Technical Knowledge: An Alternative Traditional Method in Controlling the Stored Grain Pests - Peddi Naga Harsha Vardhan and Tumma Mounika
27 Consortial Bioformulations in Plant and Soil Health Enhancement - Bharat Chandra Nath
28 Food Forensic - Surve V. D. and Kamble A. S.
29 Dehydration Techniques of Flowers and Foliages - Swapnil Raghatate and Balkishor Muradi
30 SWEET Genes: A Source of Disease Resistance in Plants - B. K. Namriboi and Bhagyashree Bhatt
31 Impact of COVID 19 on Dairy Industry - Jagadale S. G., Waikar M. A. and Gharatkar A. V.
32 Plant Bio-Stimulants: Smart Approach towards Sustainable Agriculture - Gharate Pooja, Khandve Om and Babar Rohit
33 Importance of Different Products and By-products of Yak - Shamim Ali Lal
34 Solar Drying of Agricultural Produce - Patil S. P. and Korde S. D.
35 Sunscreen- A Protection for Humans, But a Threat to Corals - Sudarshan S, Karthik R, S. Aanand and Jeyaprakashsabari, S.
36 Prospects of Developing Fish Processing Industry near Bhima River - Ankush Kamble, Bhalerao A. K., Shivaji Argade and Neha Qureshi
37 Prospects and Challenges of Fish Farming in Farm Ponds in Maharashtra - Ankush Kamble, Bhalerao A. K., Ananthan PS and SN Ojha