VOLUME : 01 ISSUE: 03 JULY 2020

01. Smart Farming- Way of Agricultural Development - Patil R. S., Kadam M. M. and Wandare G. A.
02. A Review on Food Processing Sector in India - Deshpande H.W. and Katke S.D.
03. Kiwifruit is Fruit for Nutritional Security - Dubbewar P. P., Solanke G.M. and Puri A. P.
04. Super Cyclone Amphan: A Huge losses on the Agricultural Sector of West Bengal, India - Arunima Konar and Sudip Nayak
05. Moringa Oleifera Leaves is Powerfull Nutrient - Chorage C. A. and Kamble S. R.
06. Health Benefits and Medicinal Uses of Fenugreek Seeds - Maske S. V., John David and Shelke S. A.
07. Host Range and Occurrence of Woolly Whitefly Aleurothrixus Floccosus (Maskell) in India - Ipsita Samal and Bhupen Kumar Sahu
08. Application of Drone in Agriculture - Palghadmal S. M., Kolekar A.B. and Palghadmal R. M.
09. Blockchain Technology -The Evolutionary Next Step for E-Agriculture - P. Hema
10. Conservation Agriculture: Soil and Water Saving? - Digvijay Dhama, Gourkhede P. H. and Zade S. P.
11. High Resolution Mapping of QTL - Bapsila Loitongbam, P.K. Singh, Sameer Upadhayay, S.R. Rathi and Priyanka Irungbam
12. Green Manuring: Catholicon for Sustainable Soil Health - Ingle S.N., Konde N. M. , Gabhane A. R., Mali D. V. and Kanase N. M.
13. Importance of Microbes in Sustainable Agriculture - Phondekar U. R. and Salvi P. P.
14. Buckwheat- A Versatile Yet Underutilized Crop - S.K. Chongtham, E. Lamalakshmi Devi, Ch. Birendrajit, Y. Rupert Anand, Diana Sagolsem, S. Vinodh
15. Genetic Improvement of Trichogramma Spp. - Shinde, S. S., Band S. S. and Kashid V. S.
16. Fungal Diseases of Chilli and their Management - Bijeeta Thangjam, Wangkhem Tampakleima Chanu and Bandana Mayanglambam
17. Lac Cultivation in India - Shamik Dey and Nandini Pal
18. Role of Underutilizing Fruit Crops in Health and Nutrition - Solanke A. A. and Pawar C. D.
19. Storage and Value Addition of Mushrooms - Varsha Kanojia
20. IFS: An Ideal Approach for Rural Livelihood Security Management - Surve V. H. and Deshmukh S. P.
21. Cycocel (CCC) Treatment: A Practicable Approach for Increasing Yield in Soybean - Ranjana Tiwari
22. Tissue Culture Techniques in Banana - Raut D. M., Ghorpade S. B. and Mali A. S.
23. Importance of Detection and Identification of Viral Diseases in Plant - Huirem Chandrajini Devi , Neeta Pathaw and Wangkhem Tampakleima Chanu
24. Hydroponics: An Advanced Technique for Vegetable Production - Wangkhem Tampakleima Chanu, Konjengbam Sarda Devi, Kota Chakrapni and Baby Wangkhem
25. Soil Carbon Sequestration in a Challenging Environment - Gayatri Sahu and Suchismita Mohapatra
26. Economic Importance of Dairy Farming in India - Nimit Kumar and Sonia Rani
27. Silkworm Host Plant Diversity - Bhupen Kumar Sahu and Ipsita Samal
28. Degree Days: A Tool for Insect Pest Management - Hatwar N. K., Peddu H. V., Ghormade A. S.
29. Peppermint (Mentha piperita) - Herbal Boon - Zanwar S. R
30. Biosurfactant: Its advancement in Agriculture - Malemnganbi Keisham and Jyotsana Sanasam
31. Biofortification – A Way to Increase Nutrition in Staple Foods - Rajane A. R. and Sasane P. R.
32. Application of Botanicals in Plant Diseases Management: A Brief Report - Konjengbam Sarda Devi, Neeta Pathaw and W. Tampakleima Chanu
33. Are Vectors The Major Transmission of Orthotospoviruses Fitness During Mixed – Infection? - Himadri Rabha and Sushmita Thokchom
34. The Nutritional Antidote toward Future Prospects: Biofortification - Sirsat V.M. and Magar S.G.
35. Impact of A1 and A2 milk on Human Health - Shalu Kumar, Desai B.G., Joshi A.V., and Mayekar A.J.
36. Soil Conditioners - Gaikwad S. R, Kolekar A. B., Palghadmal R. M. and Palghadmal S. M
37. Drought and its Mitigation Strategies in Indian Agriculture - TH Anupama Devi and S. Bijayalakshmi Devi
38. Wasteland Development in India – Present Status and Future Planning - S. Bijayalakshmi Devi and TH Anupama Devi 1
39. Role of Biofertilizers in Agriculture - Gadhave A. D., Giri V.V. and Phondekar U. R.
40. Exploitation of Plant Viruses as a Vehicle for the Production of Useful Proteins by using Plants as Bioreactor - Oinam Washington Singh
41. Reaction of COVID- 19 on Indian Economy - V. Keerthana
42. Role of Biofertilizers in Organic Agriculture - Ponugoti Avinash and Pimpalpalle L.V.
43. Organic Management of Fall Army Worm in Kharif and Rabi Maize Crop of Sikkim for the Year 2020 - Chamling N., Gurung N., Subba P., Pradhan Y. and Pradhan G.
44. Vermicompost: Best Component of Organic Farming - Kolekar A. B., Palghadmal R. M. and Palghadmal S. M. 1
45. Biocapsule Biofertilizers: Boon to Agriculture - Palghadmal R. M., Kolekar A.B. and Palghadmal S. M.
46. Restore Soil Health: Revive the Climate - Shilpi Gupta
47. Healing Agriculture - Transition from Conventional to Regenerative - Sameer Upadhyay and Bapsila Loitongbam
48. Khillar: An Excellent Indigenous Breed - Chendge P. D., Waghamare S.U., Khatake S. L. and Bhagat D. J.
49. Pre-Breeding: Utilizing Crop Wild Relatives - Sasane P. R. and Rajane A.R.
50. Transcript Profiling towards Ameliorating Future - Magar S.G. and Sirsat V.M.
51. SARS Coronavirus: Learn from the Past and Present Outbreak - Ritesh Kumar, Gautam Kunal, Kiran H. Rathod and Kumar Varun Vijay
52. Abiotic Stresses in Plants: Important Secondary Metabolites - Aditya Pratap Singh and Yengkhom Linthoingambi Devi
53. Azolla-An Ideal Organic Feed Substitute for Livestock - Kapare P. B, Sabale T. D, Kolekar A. B and Palghadmal R. M.
54. Small RNAs: Driver Seat in Plant Stress Responses - Khelurkar V.C., Thakare V. S. and Moharil M.P.
55. Impact of Genetic Engineering on Agricultural Production - Rathod Y.D. and Magar S.G.
56. Nanotechnology in Precision Framing - Naorem Meena Devi
57. Oyster Mushrooms- Nature’s Hidden Treasure - Joshi S.S, Salavi P. P and Gaonkar Y. A
58. Effective Control of Locust by means of Farm Mechanization - Kanade S.A., Fartade A.C., and Thakur P.S.
59. Foliar Fertilization - Deshmukh S. P., Surve V. H., Kadam G. L. and Vasave J. B.
60. Mycoherbicides: Weeds Killing Fungi - K. Manikandan and V. Keerthana