Open Access Multidisciplinary Monthly Online Magazine
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AgriCos e-Newsletter is an ISSN registered Open Access Multidisciplinary Monthly Online Magazine with independent editorial voice covering various aspects of scientific research and trends in various disciplines and allied activities . The Magazine cum e-Newsletter was established to provide an open access platform for researchers, academicians, scientist and associated readers to update themselves with the scientific trends and activities. Innovative ideas, analysis of classical theories, research gaps and school of thoughts on emerging topics will be covered in these issues with their respective themes. The Popular Articles (Technical) are formatted with less scientific jargon to reach the general masses. The articles submitted to the magazine will be scrutinized through our subject experts in the editorial board. Articles from the disciplines of Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal & Veterinary Sciences, Food & Dairy Technology, Biotechnology, Environmental Sciences, Forestry, Agricultural Engineering, Botany, Zoology, Physiology, Fisheries, and Social Science, etc. are invited. We accept articles written in simple English language only.