VOLUME : 02 ISSUE: 04 APRIL 2021

01 Seed Setting and Grain Filling in Sunflower - Mousumi Malo
02 West Indian Cherry: Nature’s Vitamin-C Capsule - Jasmitha, B. G. and Honnabyraiah, M. K.
03 Allelopathic Weed Management : A Future Aspects - Aakash Sunaratiya and Prabhu Lal Jat
04 Look Over Shrimp Gut – As a Signpost Approach to Shrimp Health Management - P. Yuvarajan, P. Chidambaram, Mahadevi and S. Karthick
05 Agricultural Governance through ICT, - Ekhande Y. S. and Raykar S. S.
06 Biodynamic Preparations: Cow Pat Pit (CPP) - Bankar S. L., Misal L. S. and Shinde R. B.
07 Total Factor Productivity Growth: A Review of Measurement Issues in the Indian Context of Crop Sector - Salunkhe S.V. and Shirsath A.H.
08 Bonsai Making - Vitnor S.S. Ingole D.G. and Bharade V.M.
09 Multiparent Advanced Generation Intercross Populations - Sandhya, Manoj Kumar, Mukul and Pawan Kumar
10 Strategies for Improving Sugar Recovery in Sugarcane - Mousumi Malo
11 Identification of Tomato Insect Pests and Their Integrated Pest Management - Dwarka Prasad Athya and Shiv Kumar Ahirwar
12 Pearl Millet – a Minor Millet with Many Benefits - Konni Appala Raju and Varun Gudla
13 Nanotechnology: An Emerging Agro-productivity Tool - Kiran, Deepak Kumar and Ganesh Kumar Koli
14 Nationalization of Banks - Shelake P.N. and Gosavi N.K.
15 Value addition in Traditional Flower Crops - Ajit Pawar, Wadekar V.D., and Nikhil Ankalagi
16 Minimum Support Price- An Overview - Shelake P. N. and Wandare G. A.
17 Cercospora Leaf Spot of Brinjal and its Management - Sukanya Gogoi and Mallikarjun Channappa Chitti
18 Ornamental Crustaceans - The Lustrous Living Jewels - M. Muthu Abishag
19 COVID-19 and Risks to Food Safety - Manisha Dutta and Priyanka Bhattacharyya
20 Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) an Overview - Charoskar D. N. and Arun Y. P.
21 Sesame Seed and its Health Benefits – A Review -Maske S. V., John David, and Shelke S. A.
22 Phytoalexin: A Plant Defensive Tool - Ratul Moni Ram
23 Targeting Induced Local Lesions in Genomes and its Relevance to Polymorphism Assessment and Plant Breeding -Vijeta Gupta and Renu
24 Need of Precision Farming in Horticultural Crops - Brijesh Kumar Yadav and Sandeep Kumar Singh
25 Obesity: A Priority for Women’s Health and Development - Priyanka Bhattacharyya and Manisha Dutta
26 Fintech for Indian Financial Inclusion 2020 - Bramarambica Devi K. M.
27 Proffessional Attitude to Be a Potent Employee - Bramarambica Devi K. M.
28 Brinjal shoot and fruit borer (Pyralidade; Lepidoptera): An Emerging Agricultural Borers Pest - Gajendra Singh
29 Biodynamic Farming : A sustainable Farming Method -Bordoloi, A. and Hazarika, D. N.
30 Eco-physiological Factors Relation with Successful Fruit Crops Production - Jitendra Singh Shivran, Mohan Lal Jat and R.K. Jat
31 Kadaknath: The Black Chicken of India - Dimpi Choudhury
32 Genetically Modified Horticultural Crops - Motapalukula Jyothi and Sabavat Raju Naik
33 Indoor Gardening: An Eco-friendly Approach for Environmental Sustainability - Safeena S. A.
34 Tagging and Mapping of Major QTLs for Complex Traits in Sorghum -Sabavat Raju Naik and Motapalukula Jyothi
35 Biomedical Imaging in Animal Health Diagnostics -Abisha Juliet Mary S. J. and Dhayanath M.
36 Management of Nursery in Horticultural Crops - G. Chandrashekhar
37 Agroforestry in Organic farming - Amita Sharma and Gyanaranjan Sahoo
38 Innovative Extension Systems for Doubling Farmers Income - Sonia Rani and Nimit Kumar
39 Ichthyocrinotoxins - Fish Defensins: An Overview - R. Prathisha
40 Role of Women to Reduce the Rate of Environmental Degradation - Sonia Rani and Nimit Kumar
41 Hydroponic: A Novel Technique of Green Fodder Production - Surve V. D. and Kamble S. A.
42 Identification of Pests of Groundnut and their IPM - Dwarka Prasad Athya and Angad Patel