VOLUME : 02 ISSUE: 07 JULY 2021

01 Prospects of Vertical Farming: Promising Technology for Farming with Limited Water Resource Bhalerao L. K., Bhalerao A. K. and Kamble A. L.
02 Elicitors: As Plant Defense Inducers Bhagyashree Bhatt and Sudha Mathpal
03 Integrated Farming System- an Approach to Double the Farmer’s Income Guda Adilakshmi, Arakanti Chaitanya, Kommireddy Poojitha and Pepakayala Varalakshmi
04 Seaweeds - The Less Known Marine Resource of India S. Sundhar, S. Aanand, R. Shalini, R. Jeyashakila, B. Sivaraman, T. Suya and G. Jeyasekaran
05 Edible Food Coating- Solution to Overcome Pollution Chavan D. R., Patil J. S. , and Ahirrao P. P.
06 Novel Food Processing Ahirrao P. P., Kadam S. K., Khalagre A. B.
07 Nutritional Importance and Health Benefits of Sea Buckthorn Jitendra Singh Shivran, Mohan Lal Jat and R.K. Jat
08 Protein Engineering and its application in Plant Protection Jasmin Thomas and Padma Angadi
09 Blending Guava to Create Nutritious Fruit Leather Karishma Baidya and Subuhi Nishad
10 Health and Medicinal Benefits of Nutraceuticals – A Review Maske S.V., John David and S. Ranvir
11 Key Lessons to be Learned from Covid-19 Pandemic to Deal with Climate Change: Act Now for Sustainability Bhalerao L. K., Bhalerao A. K., and Kamble A. L.
12 Role of Polyamines in Fruit Development, Ripening, Chilling Injury, Shelf Life and Quality of Fruit Crops- A review Jasmitha, B. G. and G. S. K.Swamy
13 Heterosis and Combining Ability in Pearl Millet Madane A. A., Bagade A. B., Tengse S. M., Gavhane N. A. and Korke S. S.
14 Impact and Invading Trend of Microplastics in Aquatic Environment Vignesh V. and Velmurugan P.
15 Circadian Clock: New Paradigm in Plant-Pathogen Interaction Ratul Moni Ram and Bharat Chandra Nath
16 Storage Structures & their Significance Dwarka
17 Multifunctional Bacterial Proteins: Harpins Bhagyashree Bhatt and B.K.Namriboi
18 Use of Drone Technology in Agriculture: A Review Bhavana Tomar, Pragya Verma and Luxmi Kant Tripathi
19 Physiology of Iron Toxicity in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) and its Amelioration Bhagawan Bharali
20 Shrimp Waste - A Valuable Protein Source for Aqua Feed Jeyaprakashsabari S. and Aanand S.
21 Climate Change Related Simulation Modeling: Research Opportunity for Social Science Scholars Bhalerao L.K., Bhalerao A. K. and Kamble A. L.
22 Role of Anti-Transpirants in Agriculture Ekta Kamboj and Vijeta Gupta
23 Why Honeybees Matter: The Importance of Bees in Agriculture Mousumi Malo
24 Aeroponics: The Future of Crop Production Mousumi Malo
25 Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture- It’s Uses and Future Shilpa, Manprret Kaur, Priyanka Bijalwan, Parveen Sharma
26 CRISPR/Cas9: Method of Genetic Engineering Shilpa and Parveen Sharma
27 Sea Snot – A Marine Mucilage Phenomenon Abinaya P. and Jane Jacob
28 Silage Making and its Importance for the Livestock of Ladakh Shamim Ali Lal
29 Role of Beneficial Microbes in Organic Farming Bharat Chandra Nath and Ratul Moni Ram
30 Chemical Equilibria of Nutrients in Submerged Soils S. Arunkumar
31 Prospects of Transforming Farm Ponds into Water Bank: Approach to Enhance Resilience against Drought Kamble A. L., Bhalerao A.K., Shinoji K.C., and Shivaji Argade
32 Role of Biological Control for Management of Weeds Divya S. Patel, Dharmraj M. Jethva and Akash V. Kchot
33 Probiotics: Boon to Humans Jagadale S. G., Gharatkar A.V. and Waikar M. A.
34 ITK (Indigenous Technical Knowledge) observed as part of RAWEP at Kothur village of Telangana Janu S. Nair
35 Pesticide Production Scenario and its Usage in India Ravi Prakash Maurya, Radha Koranga, and Vasu Mehta
36 Karonda- Potential Fruit Crop for Dry Land Gharate Pooja, Khandve Om, Babar Rohit, Kharat Badrinath
37 Application of Nano Urea in Agriculture Yeshe A. S. and Gourkhede P. H.
38 A study on profile of APMC in Solapur District Dharurkar S. D. and Pandey K. A.
39 Wheat Genome Sequencing: Lessons Emerging Vijeta Gupta and Ekta Kamboj
40 Farmers Prefer Shorter Videos: Vibrant Method to Promote Transfer of Technology using YouTube Media Platform Bhalerao A. K., Bhalerao L. K., A. K. Singha and Kamble A. L.